Conflict resolution is a critical skill for any professional working in Canada. The ability to effectively resolve disagreements and disputes can mean the difference between a successful career and a failed one.

There are many benefits to resolving conflict in the workplace. First, it can lead to greater productivity and efficiency. It can also improve communication and teamwork, creating a more positive work environment. On top of that, it can help to build trust and respect between employees.

While conflict resolution is important for all workplaces, it is especially critical in Canada. This is because Canada is a culturally diverse country with many different types of people and perspectives, filled with indigenous and non-indigenous workers.

To improve your conflict resolution skills, connect with an institution specialized in that regard. They can help you with key parts of conflict resolution, such as:

1) Accepting the Reality of Conflicts

Conflicts are a natural part of one’s work life, and they are especially common in the workplace. In order to resolve conflict effectively, you need to first accept that it exists and that it is normal rather than brushing it aside.

There are many levels to conflicts, and acceptance of that can help with recognition. Following recognition, workplaces will be able to find a solution and resolve conflicts much more effectively as opposed to denial.

2) Discussing the Facts of the Conflict

When dealing with any sort of conflict, it is important to recount and discuss the facts of the situation. The facts are the events that have led to the conflict, and such causes are usually the easiest to discuss.

The facts should be discussed in a calm manner, and all parties should have a chance to share their side of the story. If you can agree on the facts of the situation, you will be well on your way to resolving the conflict.

3) Having a Dispute Resolution Process

With a dispute resolution process in place, it will be easier to resolve any conflict that may arise. Dispute resolution helps to keep things calm and organized, and it provides a way to address conflict without anyone losing their temper or getting hurt.

There are many different types of dispute resolution processes, so you will need to choose the one that best suits your needs. Consult a specialized institution regarding the matter to come to a final decision.

4) Seeking Workplace Mediation Training 

Following dispute resolution, mediation training can help you learn how to mediate conflict effectively. Mediation training can also help you learn how to communicate better with others and how to resolve conflict without resorting to violence.

Workplace mediation training can be beneficial for both managers and employees. Managers can learn how to handle conflict better, and employees can learn how to communicate better with their managers to prevent disputes in the future.


In conclusion, conflict resolution is an important skill to have in the workplace in Canada. By being able to resolve conflicts effectively, employees can create a more positive work environment and improve their overall productivity.

Seeking to come up with a dispute resolution process? Gwizhii Institute of Learning works collaboratively with clients to tailor workshops, training, policy, and much more in Canada. Contact us today!