The Truth and Reconciliation Commission put up 94 “calls to action” in 2015 that suggested improving relations between Canadians and Indigenous Peoples, and only eight of those recommendations were implemented as of 2020.
The TRC was tasked with investigating the experiences of Indigenous peoples in the residential school system and with making recommendations for reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada.
Indigenous peoples in Canada have been through a lot. They have been mistreated, discriminated against, and generally not treated fairly. This is why truth and reconciliation are so important. It is a means for Indigenous peoples to heal from the past and to move forward into the future.
TRC’s Final Report
The TRC’s final report, issued in 2015, contained 94 recommendations for reconciliation. One of the key recommendations was for the Canadian government to establish a national holiday to commemorate Residential School Survivors. This recommendation was implemented in 2017 with the creation of National Indigenous Peoples Day.
The TRC’s report also recommended that the Canadian government take steps to recognize and protect the rights of Indigenous peoples in Canada.
The Canadian government adopted this advice and, in February 2018, presented Bill C-262, An Act to Ensure the Harmony of the Laws of Canada with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (IPs), in the House of Commons. If this is passed, the bill would ensure that all Canadian laws are in line with the UN Declaration on the Rights of IPs.
This is an essential step in the reconciliation process between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. The recommendations of the TRC provide a roadmap for how we can move forward together in reconciliation.
Truth and Reconciliation: Understand the History and Legacy
It is by helping everyone understand the history and legacy of residential schools and acknowledge the harms they caused. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has issued several essential calls to action, which include calls for changes to education, child welfare, and health care, as well as calls for an apology from the government of Canada.
Natural resource initiatives frequently entail strong connections with Indigenous communities and take place close to them, offering some of the best prospects for economic fairness, ownership, and independence.
Truth and Reconciliation Helps Indigenous Peoples in Canada’s Resource Sector
Indigenous peoples have strong ties to Canada’s resource sector. After all, working the land and its riches is part of Indigenous culture! The long-term advantages of natural resource development can benefit many generations within Indigenous communities when done ethically and with involvement and commitment to employ Indigenous peoples.
The process of truth and reconciliation is important for Indigenous peoples in Canada for many reasons. It helps to heal the wounds of the past, build trust between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, and to establish a more just and equitable society.
It also helps to address the legacies of colonialism and to promote healing and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. The process of truth and reconciliation is ongoing and will continue to be important in the future.
Karen Snowshoe, the founder of the Gwizhii Institute of Learning, served as an advisor and contract researcher for the Native Council of Canada and Indigenous Survival International on a global scale. If you are searching for the finest organization in Vancouver for indigenous reconciliation training, corporate indigenous workshops, trauma-informed dispute resolution and more, you are at the right place. Book a discovery call today!